Monday, 29 September 2014


The Ebola break out has changed plans for Africa Mercy as it can no longer dock in Benin in fear of the health risk for the crew. So instead Africa Mercy will be traveling to Madacasgar to provide aid. The last time that Africa Mercy was in Madagascar was 1996. Madagascar needs much help to strengthen its healthcare system. Mercy Ships will do what we do best, building capacity through training opportunities for medical professionals along with curative surgical interventions onboard ship. Madagascar's healthcare system has only 2 physicians and 3 hospital beds available for every 10,000 people in this island nation.  
Madagascar is a developing island nation off the east coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean. The primary languages are French and Malagasy. The island is approximately 300 miles east of Mozambique and has a coastline of about 3,000 miles. It compares in area to about 2.5 times the size of the United Kingdom and a little smaller than Texas. 
By moving to Madagascar it doesn't affect the time that I will be on board, as I will spend my 3 month commitment serving in Madagascar instead. 

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