Sunday, 30 November 2014

Church in the Ward

This morning I went to church on the ward it was awesome. Something that I have experienced before. We opened with prayer. Sang in English and then in Malagasy. When we sang it was with the accompany of a guitar and drums, not your typical organ. It was amazing to see the young kids join in clapping and singing. 

We discussed Mark 10:46-52 about Jesus healing the blind beggar on the side of the road. They told us the Bible story and then gave us 5 mins to repeat it to the person beside us. Once our 5 minutes was up the Bible story was retold and we had to fill in the blanks. When we had retold the story as a group we went through and tired to find the treasures in the story. As the service came to an end one of the older female patients read us a poem that she had written.The service ended by singing another Malagasy song. 

The service was first said in English and then translated into Malagasy. It was very different from what I'm used to but an amazing experience and I was glad that I could be a part of it. 


maria said...

You know Marlayna…Services may be different, but God is the same everywhere.

Marlayna Van Hoepen said...

Yes, that Is so true!