Wednesday, 17 December 2014



Up keep of the ship is very important. Slowly the deckies are making their way around the ship painting.
 Pousse-Pousse is a type of taxi. 
We pay 1000 MGA to be taken places about $0.45

The grocery stores are filled with many western drinks, food, candy, and even beer. There are also Malagasy products but we tend to stay away from them because if not we usually end up sick! 

Many people at home have this pool, however, here is Madagascar we need it a lot more! This pool costs 296,000 MGA or $134.00. During the day it is typically above 30 degrees C, plus the humidity! At night the temperature will reach a low of 23 degrees and the humidity is still there! 

The best way to get around is by tuk-tuk. It's quicker than a pousse-pousse by far, and the little bit of breeze that comes through is exactly what you need in the humidity! I pay the same amount to take a tuk-tuk as a pousse-pousse.

We are home or almost home! It's a 15 minute walk from the port gates to the ship. We do have a tuk-tuk service that runs in the evenings and on weekends. I always seem to miss the tuk-tuk service as I'm either coming during the day or at night with a big group. We pay $2.00 a month to have a took-tuk pass, I know that's a pretty steep price, eh?

It seems that every time I take a shower I go outside. Within 5 minutes my hair is dry and I'm ready for another shower! By the time that we make it to the port gates we are happy to grab a tuk-tuk or pousse-pousse to the bazaar. Today, we bought some cold drinks at the market and in 5 minutes they were lukewarm and no longer refreshing!


These palm trees in these pots are a pain. Since we are taller then the average Malagasy person we can't walk side by side down this sidewalk without constantly getting hit in the face with palm leaves. #mercyshipproblems :)


maria said...

Love your post and the pictures!
I have a solution for the palms-in-the-face-slapping problem…Just buy yourself a large-rimmed hat, and wear it tipped sideways. Problem solved! ;)
Watching the video makes me wonder about the traffic rules there…Are there any?

Marlayna Van Hoepen said...

I think I will go out today and buy myself a huge hat! I would try clipping the leaves but I doubt that would go over very with port authorities. Clearly I can't live without your problem solving skills! :)
From watching the traffic I have come to assume that cars go first, then tuks-tuks, and then pousse-pousses. And everyone walking well they just weave in and out of traffic. Whenever I cross the street, I'm very concerned as it just doesn't seem right to just step out into oncoming traffic. I will say that traffic doesn't move fast in comparison to home.

Marlayna Van Hoepen said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow - I love your updates! I got a laugh out of your "countdown" photo.

Keep those blog posts coming! We are really enjoying the opportunity to "live along" with you.

Love and best wishes as your approach your first Christmas so far from home!
